Day 19:Productive Pit Stops, Terrific Troubles, and Growth!
(after the hiatus), 30before30
So, this past week has been interesting due to some random pit stops and troubles:
*My cable/internet had an (all of a sudden for the entire week) connection issue (hence my lapse in blogging each day).
*Pulled a muscle during working out (hurt like crazy for days)
*Realized while moving, that as much as I purged, I still had SO MUCH STUFF!
I will be adding simplicity to this challenge, after this revelation.
*The day of my move, my car battery died....of course it did.
However, in the midst of some of these things I noticed that I've grown quite a bit. While these are not massive issues, I have been in the habit of letting everything get to me. I realized I was controlled by my circumstances. If something bad happened, I had a bad day. If something good happened, I had a good day. But, I am thankful for the growth in this area, because you can have a great day no matter what is happening. Now, realistically yes, there are certain situations that can totally derail your day or days. But, these situations don't have to permanently steal your joy. I think that's the biggest goal I'm striving to achieve--the ability to remain stable, keep my joy, and hold my peace in the midst of any storm (great or small). So, when these pit stops, troubles, Murphy's Law all came at once--I was steady. I thought, well "this too shall pass." And guess what- it did! Trouble definitely doesn't last always. Sometimes our own time clock seems like an eternity. Like those moments where you could have sworn it has been an hour and only 10 or 15 minutes have passed. I think many times that is how we (myself included) operate. Instant gratification, not wanting to go through a process/journey, not willing to take the time that's needed to see something through.....
How we react to certain situations can make these matters (that may just be a "15 minute" period in your life) seem like forever. I noticed that when I remained stable and kept truckin' with my joy---it wasn't such a big deal. I didn't "what-if" myself to death (as I would usually do), I didn't worry, I wasn't anxious. I remembered Philippians 4:6-7. I actually laughed, especially when my car battery died, and thought of course. Of course, today this would happen. It will pass, it will be taken care of, and if I can't fix it, God will make a way. Done deal, pressed on, stayed productive....and now it's a faint memory versus a burden.
New Perspective!
Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfectly and fully developed, lacking in nothing. -James 1:2-4, AMP
Things are going to happen. Go wrong. People will be unfair/unreasonable/annoying, etc. Your plans will be derailed, you won't be considered, you'll encounter unexpected trials, things you didn't ask to even be a part of....I could go on and on and on.....
I'm realizing that since I know these things will happen eventually, why lose my joy? Why not view it differently? We've all heard great quotes on what pressure and trials can do. How beautiful stones are formed because of pressure...being that diamond in the rough. But, I must admit, when a trial arises I have forgotten about the bigger picture. Count it all joy. It's not always what we want to do, but ultimately in the end...that pressure, the uncomfortable things, will all make us better. I can truly say I'm grateful for those Productive Pit Stops and the Terrific Troubles that arise from time to time. I may have to consistently remind myself to have a different perspective, but when I look back I'm definitely better afterwards than I was before. It all just makes me a tougher cookie!
Another day in the books. "30before30"
*Surrounding myself with good people/with good goals/for good causes
*Doing the hard stuff because the hard stuff is the good stuff
*Dotting my i's and crossing ALL of my t's
*Going from "Meh" to "YEAH!!"
*Staying sane while the world goes crazy
*Being more aware and helping others, so I can help myself!
*Aspiring to go from good, to better, to best in ALL things!
*Taking the butt kicking that comes with the journey!
*Getting Inspired!
*Counting it all joy and staying on track!
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