Day 21-23: Gifts and Psalms
This weekend was a great one, filled with projects/DIY/crafting. All the things I love most. It was nice to tap into some of the things that bring me joy, ultimately creating! I've come to learn that many of my best times, happiest times are when I am making something. Creating a vision. Executing a project. Just something about putting things together that brings about the happy in life. At least for me anyway. I remember a time when I wasn't aware at all of my own gifts. Honestly, I didn't think I had any. I knew there were things I could excel in, but couldn't ever quite pinpoint what they were. I used to experience periods of boredom, feeling as if I had nothing to do, nothing to give. Funny, how the boredom became less and less, the older I became.
Now, there's plenty to do! Like work. And work. And more work. So, I went from times of boredom to feeling like everything was work. How exhausting! This 30 day journey I decided to take has brought about some interesting revelations...
1) Perspective is everything!- If I think I'm having a bad day, I am. If I feel I'm bored, I am. If I think I'm happy, I am. If I feel unproductive, I'm not productive. Forcing myself to tap into what's truly significant. Taking time to TAKE TIME. Noticing the good in every day, even though every day is not a good day. Choosing to have a different perspective has been one of the biggest gifts to come from this challenge so far.
2) I practiced my gifts and discovered new things = Yes, CraftyGriffin loves to create. Not a shock. I love everything from creating lessons for class, to classroom decor, to home decor, party planning, DIY, anything. Taking this time has given me the time to truly delve into my gift of creativity. Also, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and involved myself in areas I never thought I would. I've met people I never thought I'd meet, and have made a conscious effort to extend my giving. That's something new. Discovering others outside of your bubble, your circle. Seeing how much your thought and time is needed. Taking the focus off of you and placing it on others!
3) My hunger has grown= In a previous post, I talked about searching for more! Then, I was referring to finding more ways to get out and volunteer my time/give of myself. Now, my hunger has grown in so many ways. Hungering for more with God, more for myself, a hunger for simplicity, peace, and a joy that is unwavering. It's a refreshing hunger. A constant wanting for what's better and best for you.
....what a GREAT verse. This is part of my journey through this. At 30, I want to be guided more so in His truth, shown His ways, taught His paths. Ultimately, that's what it all boils down to for me. I think our (myself included) true hunger is to live and walk the spirit of these verses. If my hope is in Him all day can the boredom, fatigue, wandering, frustrations of day to day be let in? Life happens, and for 29 years, I have been operating like a light switch. On when I have to be, putting my all into what I do, sometimes only finding my worth in "what I do," and then....when things get overwhelming, or it's time to shut down, I turn off. On. Off. On. Off. That's not a life that has hope in Him all day long. My hope for 30+ is to have that hope in Him ALL DAY LONG. To stay on. To live outside of my bubble. Continue to CREATE. Embrace my craftiness in all areas, not just with paint, hot glue, and ribbon. Now, that's a gift. To everyday find the good in the day. To everyday, hope when it's easy to lose it. Today, I'm thankful for gifts and this Psalm
. I'm appreciative for this time I have and for the spurts of meaning in the smallest experiences.
Tomorrow will be a new day, another opportunity to create. I'll begin with...jumping back on my crossfit (today was a rest day). Even exercise (that I don't necessarily like doing) is creating a better body and a more disciplined spirit. See, there's good if you look. Apparently, I had gotten so enveloped in daily tasks, that I stopped looking. My take away- Don't stop looking. Gifts, joy,'s there. It can be easily overlooked when our lives become busy. However, our lives were never intended to become too busy to LOOK.

1) Perspective is everything!- If I think I'm having a bad day, I am. If I feel I'm bored, I am. If I think I'm happy, I am. If I feel unproductive, I'm not productive. Forcing myself to tap into what's truly significant. Taking time to TAKE TIME. Noticing the good in every day, even though every day is not a good day. Choosing to have a different perspective has been one of the biggest gifts to come from this challenge so far.
2) I practiced my gifts and discovered new things = Yes, CraftyGriffin loves to create. Not a shock. I love everything from creating lessons for class, to classroom decor, to home decor, party planning, DIY, anything. Taking this time has given me the time to truly delve into my gift of creativity. Also, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and involved myself in areas I never thought I would. I've met people I never thought I'd meet, and have made a conscious effort to extend my giving. That's something new. Discovering others outside of your bubble, your circle. Seeing how much your thought and time is needed. Taking the focus off of you and placing it on others!
3) My hunger has grown= In a previous post, I talked about searching for more! Then, I was referring to finding more ways to get out and volunteer my time/give of myself. Now, my hunger has grown in so many ways. Hungering for more with God, more for myself, a hunger for simplicity, peace, and a joy that is unwavering. It's a refreshing hunger. A constant wanting for what's better and best for you.
Today, I came across Psalm 25:4-5-
Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths,
guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long
....what a GREAT verse. This is part of my journey through this. At 30, I want to be guided more so in His truth, shown His ways, taught His paths. Ultimately, that's what it all boils down to for me. I think our (myself included) true hunger is to live and walk the spirit of these verses. If my hope is in Him all day can the boredom, fatigue, wandering, frustrations of day to day be let in? Life happens, and for 29 years, I have been operating like a light switch. On when I have to be, putting my all into what I do, sometimes only finding my worth in "what I do," and then....when things get overwhelming, or it's time to shut down, I turn off. On. Off. On. Off. That's not a life that has hope in Him all day long. My hope for 30+ is to have that hope in Him ALL DAY LONG. To stay on. To live outside of my bubble. Continue to CREATE. Embrace my craftiness in all areas, not just with paint, hot glue, and ribbon. Now, that's a gift. To everyday find the good in the day. To everyday, hope when it's easy to lose it. Today, I'm thankful for gifts and this Psalm
. I'm appreciative for this time I have and for the spurts of meaning in the smallest experiences.
Tomorrow will be a new day, another opportunity to create. I'll begin with...jumping back on my crossfit (today was a rest day). Even exercise (that I don't necessarily like doing) is creating a better body and a more disciplined spirit. See, there's good if you look. Apparently, I had gotten so enveloped in daily tasks, that I stopped looking. My take away- Don't stop looking. Gifts, joy,'s there. It can be easily overlooked when our lives become busy. However, our lives were never intended to become too busy to LOOK.
Another day in the books. "30before30"
*Surrounding myself with good people/with good goals/for good causes
*Doing the hard stuff because the hard stuff is the good stuff
*Dotting my i's and crossing ALL of my t's
*Going from "Meh" to "YEAH!!"
*Staying sane while the world goes crazy
*Being more aware and helping others, so I can help myself!
*Aspiring to go from good, to better, to best in ALL things!
*Taking the butt kicking that comes with the journey!
*Getting Inspired!
*Counting it all joy and staying on track!
*Being thankful on purpose!
*Taking the time to LOOK!
Wonderful, inspiring post. Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading Linda!