30before30 ends....and 30 begins!

The ending days of my 30before30 (since my last post) have been eventful, momentous, life-changing, and blessed! Starting out on this journey to 30 was initially a task full of "new things" and a brush up on the old. Now, in its end it has been a great time of reflection, evaluation, and fun. I grew more spiritually, emotionally, and became much more productive than usual. I also learned/reflected/incorporated the following into my life in the process: *Surrounding myself with good people/with good goals/for good causes *Doing the hard stuff because the hard stuff is the good stuff *Dotting my i's and crossing ALL of my t's *Going from "Meh" to "YEAH!!" *Staying sane while the world goes crazy *Being more aware and helping others, so I can help myself! *Aspiring to go from good, to better, to best in ALL things! *Taking the butt kicking that comes with the journey! *Getting Inspired! *Counting it all joy and staying...