Reasons why you're not praying....

This post should really be titled, "Reasons Why I sometimes don't/haven't, etc. been praying." However, I have a notion I'm not the only one in the world who has had to check themselves and their prayer life from time to time. Currently, I'm in probably the biggest transition period of my life, and one thing I am learning about transition----it will bring you to your knees (and at the most random points in the process). Just when I think I have this moving life/career/surgery/family under wraps, something else gets thrown in the mix. Of course. Of course, it's life.....and I'm currently fighting the myriad of thoughts right now about boxes. Boxes. The unlimited amount of boxes that need unpacking far, far, away (life doesn't end and I'm a control freak- pray for me :). Nonetheless, I'm going to sit. Sit and blog. One, I have no other choice but to sit (my leg cast that I last blogged about, is still a part of me). I feel like I have a purpl...