Mountain out of a Molehill

Catching Up Ahhh, it's been a while since I last blogged (was it last year?). Somehow "Toya the Teacher" just has not found time during the school year to sit and......write- unless it's comments on an essay; or the mass amount of emails needed to make it through a day at my school. And then there was say, my wedding weeks after school ended! Oh yeah! I actually got married this summer to the best guy ever, had a blast in Vegas, and zipped right back to keep working (as teachers are never truly off) in a summer program. Mrs. CraftyMorrison with my Handyman Hubby Nonetheless, I have managed to take a few moments to chill, enjoy some moments free from the bustle of the school year, and even read (gosh reading used to be more fun, when I had more time). Anyhoo, all of that busy is beginning to calm as my summer gig has ended, I'm settling as a wife (it's been about a month, look at me! lol), and I actually have time to form a thought that doesn't hav...